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Artist Analytics

Get a 360 view of every artist

Chartmetric tracks the streaming, social, and live performance of more than 9 million artists worldwide to give you the clearest path to success in today's music industry.

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Get unique insights

Explore more than 9 million artist profiles (not just yours!) enriched with data from more than 25 platforms: It's everything you need to know about where any artist stands in today's marketplace, both online and offline. Track playlist adds, streaming and social KPIs, chart performance, audience demographics, tour dates, sync placements, and much more.

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Get unique insights


Explore more than 9 million artist profiles (not just yours!) enriched with data from more than 25 platforms: It's everything you need to know about where any artist stands in today's marketplace, both online and offline. Track playlist adds, streaming and social KPIs, chart performance, audience demographics, tour dates, sync placements, and much more.

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Audience demographics

Understand who — and where — your fans are on different streaming and social platforms. Your Spotify listeners aren't always the same as your YouTube subscribers, Instagram followers, or TikTok likers, so learn how to engage your audience more effectively by getting to know them better.

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Similar artists

Find collaborators, remixers, or future band members using our Neighboring Artists feature and our powerful Artist Filters. Sort by Cross-Platform Performance, Spotify stats, YouTube metrics, genre, and more to start building your artist network exactly the way you want.

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Event & Tour tracking data

Get a detailed view of past and upcoming concerts, track and album releases, and TV and movie syncs for any artist worldwide.

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Plus our core features

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Monitor any artist's core KPIs across all of the major streaming and social platforms.

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The music industry's best playlist tracker for Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music, Tidal, and YouTube.

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Top 50 global

208 (12%)

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Today's top hits


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!Viva latino!"


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See all of the top streaming charts, plus TikTok, Shazam, and more, by country and date.

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Sort all of an artist's tracks by playlist adds, YouTube views, TikTok posts, Shazams, and more.

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TV & Films

Track television appearances and TV show and movie syncs to understand how each impacts an artist's streaming and social performance.

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Radio airplay

Track television appearances and TV show and movie syncs to understand how each impacts an artist's streaming and social performance.

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+9M artists

We track artists data from more than 25 top sources so you don’t have

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"Chartmetric was fundamental to building the largest digital concert in history at #iVoted Festival 2020. I'm regularly pitched on data platforms but Chartmetric stands out because their data is easily digestible, practical, useful and applicable for both B2B and artists at all levels of their careers."

Emily White

Emily White


Collective Entertainment

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