Whether you're a self-releasing artist, trying to find some cutting edge insights to kick-start your career, or an ambitious industry professional, Chartmetric gives you the edge
Frequently asked questions
Find the answer to the most common asked questions by our users
What is a free trial?
When you sign up you can select between the Premium or Artist Plan. For the Premium plan you get 7 days before you get charged. With the Artist plan you get 1 month at no charge. After the trial period, your credit card will be charged according to the plan you selected at signup. If you cancel within the trial period, your credit card will not be charged, and you will have the option of remaining on the Basic Plan.
What’s the difference between monthly and annual plans?
Both plans offer the same features and access. Monthly plans get charged monthly. Annual plans offer a discounted rate and the annual rate gets charged at the start of your subscription.
Artist Plan information
If you need more information on the Artist Plan please check the FAQ section available at
Do you offer API access?
Yes we offer API services. Contact us directly at [email protected] for more info.
Do you offer custom solutions?
We can cater to any custom request. We can offer bespoke dashboard, design custom reports and provide case studies upon request. Contact us directly for more info at [email protected].
Ready to get started?
Create an account instantly and start getting insights about your artists, new opportunities to grow and discovering the next big thing.
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