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Playlist Analytics

Discover the playlists that will help you grow

Most discovery in today's music industry happens through playlists, which is why it's so important to understand the playlists you're on and what playlists you need to get on.

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Loved by industry leaders

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Get unique insights

Find the playlists you're on or filter nearly 16 million playlists by country, genre, curator, follower count, type, and more.

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Get unique insights


Find the playlists you're on or filter nearly 16 million playlists by country, genre, curator, follower count, type, and more.

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Playlist journeys

Understand what playlists feed into other playlists so you know exactly where to pitch to get to where you want to go.

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Playlist analyzer

Decode a playlist's DNA by knowing a playlist's genre distribution, track popularity distribution, record label distribution, track count, and follower trend over time.

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Playlist by frontline or catalogue

We identify playlists that feature newer content (Frontline) or older content (Catalogue). Sort and filter them to better understand how to pitch your songs, and use the “28-Day Add Ratio” to understand how often a playlist gets changed up by its curator.

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Playlist time machine

Make better pitching decisions by knowing what tracks have stayed on a playlist and what tracks have been removed — some as far back as 2016.

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Plus our core features

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Monitor any artist's core KPIs across all of the major streaming and social platforms.

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Sort all of an artist's tracks by playlist adds, YouTube views, TikTok posts, Shazams, and more.

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+1.5M playlists

We track playlist data from more than 10 top sources so you don’t have to.

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"Chartmetric is a powerful data tool that has become an integral part of our creative process. The ability to track music trends and source artist data allows us to deliver robust insights and produce on-trend music for our clients. "

Gabbie Bradford

Gabbie Bradford


Song Candy

Ready to get started?

Create an account instantly and start getting insights about your artists, new opportunities to grow and discovering the next big thing.

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